Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice helps pharmacy and pharmacy technician students learn the principles, skills, and practices that are the foundation for clear communication and the essential development of trust with future patients. This text’s logical organization guides students from theory and basic principles to practical skills development to the application of those skills in everyday encounters. Sample dialogues show students how to effectively communicate, and practical exercises fine tune their communication skills in dealing with a variety of sensitive situations that arise in pharmacy practice.
Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice: A Practical Guide for Students and Practitioners 6th Edition
55.000 د.ع السعر الأصلي هو: 55.000 د.ع.25.000 د.عالسعر الحالي هو: 25.000 د.ع.
64 متوفر في المخزون
التصنيف: صيدلة
الوسوم: نسخة أصلية, هاندبوك
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