In this notebook, I, Bassem Fahmy, PharmD, offer practical insights and strategies drawn from my years of frontline experience. Through real-world case scenarios, I’ll walk you through the major types of drug interactions and their implications in clinical practice. From pharmacokinetic to pharmacodynamic and pharmacogenetic interactions, I’ll break down the fundamentals in easy-to-understand terms.
We’ll explore how healthcare providers, including pharmacists and physicians, play a crucial role in identifying and managing drug interactions to ensure patient safety. Whether you’re in a hospital setting or a community pharmacy, this notebook provides the tools you need to anticipate and respond to drug interactions effectively.

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يقدم المؤلف سيناريوهات حقيقية للحالات السريرية التي تتعلق بتفاعلات الأدوية من التفاعلات الدوائية الحركية والديناميكية إلى التفاعلات الصيدلانية الجينية، بصورة مبسطة سهلة الفهم
التصنيف: صيدلة
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