Integrating basic anatomy, physics, calculus, and physiology, this text offers a solid introduction to the fundamentals of biomechanics. By focusing on movement patterns of muscle groups rather than individual muscles, this text provides a holistic understanding of human movement. Major sections cover Foundations of Human Movement, Functional Anatomy, and Mechanical Analysis of Human Motion.This Third Edition includes new material on physical activity and bone formation, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, factors influencing force and velocity development in muscle, and the effect of training on muscle activation. New and updated examples from sports, ergonomics, orthopedics, and exercise science illustrate the principles of human movement.The book comes with MaxTRAQ motion analysis software, an easy-to-use tool to track data and analyze various motions selected by the authors.
Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement 3rd Edition
48.000 د.ع
1 متوفر في المخزون
التصنيفات: الباطنية, الجراحة, العظام والكسور, المفاصل, تأهيل طبي, طب عام
الوسوم: نسخة أصلية, هارد كفر, ورق زيتي
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