Stuttering is the most comprehensive core introductory textbook on the topic available today. The work sets itself apart from competitors by exploring a variety of practice settings and grounding all topics in a firm basis of the disorder’s origin and nature rather than just providing clinical presentations. It is the most popular textbook for undergraduate stuttering/fluency disorders courses in Speech Pathology/Audiology programs and first year graduate stuttering/fluency disorders courses in Speech Pathology masters programs. This has been the definitive text for a number of years and through multiple editions. With a new edition that updates the science and addresses all current methodologies, this will continue to be the most successful and useful textbook on the subject.
عرض السلة تم إضافة “Lippincott Biochemistry 7th Edition” إلى سلة مشترياتك.
Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment 4th Edition
48.000 د.ع
التصنيفات: التمريض, الجراحة, طب عام
الوسم: نسخة أصلية
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